Welcome to Shropshire Family History Society's Web-Site. You are about to register as a "User" of the Web-Site allowing you to post to the Forum, however this will not make you a "Member" of the Society, but if you are already, during registration you will be asked for your existing Membership Details
Please try and chose a Username that is indicative of you, preferable a name, not a pseudonym, it will help others communicate with you on the Forum.
Then it will ask if you are a "New or Existing Member?", if you are an existing member, enter your Surname and Postcode and then select yourself from the list.
You may get a "Current Member: illegal value" message, this is an error but you are now registered.
Apologies, but due to the amount of Spammers registering on here and posting, you will now have to wait for an administrator to approve your account, this may take up to a day.
(If you're a human, don't change the following field)