Did the Welsh Methodist Revival influence migration across the border to Shropshire?

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Last seen: 47 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: Tuesday, 27-08-2019

Like so many people who grew up in Shropshire, my ancestors are a mixture of Welsh and English from both sides of the border and over several centuries. Historically my family had a preference towards the Anglican faith with very little non-conformist records coming up in the documents.

This set me thinking, if you were working class living in rural Denbighshire or Flintshire witnessing the rise and the fanatisism surrounding the Welsh Methodist Revival in the early 1800s, would this be enough of a trigger to make you leave Wales and skip across the border to a slightly less radical atmosphere in Shropshire and so continuing your prefered style of religion? Or was the move purely driven by the economics of better paid work.

I know many Welsh non-conformists continued to register important family events in the Anglican church due to the non-recognition of the non-conformist faiths, but not in all cases.

Does anyone have any family experiences of this situation, I would be interrested to know.