BROADFIELD family from Bridgnorth to Isle of Wight, Virginia about 1775

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Last seen: 8 years 29 weeks ago
Joined: Monday, 2-11-2015

I am a BROADFIELD family member and am trying to trace this line. I have always heard that the originators of my Broadfield line in America was a Charles BROADFIELD Sr, son of Thomas BROADFIELD, and that both Charles and his brother, another Thomas BROADFIELD, immigrated to Smithfield, Isle of Wight, Virginia, United States before 1777 from Bridgnorth, England. I am attempting to find some proof that my Broadfield line did, indeed, come from Bridgnorth versus any other town or locale in that area. There seem to be Broadfield's from all over that extended area, so how do I know for sure that Charles and family came from Bridgnorth? There seem to be many birth certificates for Thomas Broadfield's all born around the 1720 time frame.

Supposedly, father Thomas Broadfield was born about 1722 in Bridgnorth. Son, Charles, was born 1749 in Bridgnorth and died in Isle of Wight, VA 19 Mar 1811. It is not known when his brother, Thomas BROADFIELD, was born. I believe they may have had another brother, named John. 

Does anyone have any information on this family or the Broadfield line? I would appreciate any help.

Gwynne Chadwick
Last seen: 40 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: Sunday, 19-06-2011


Welcome to the SFHS Forum.

Please check the date you supplied for Thomas. You appear to say 1722 for both son Thomas and his father Charles?

Even so, I'm struggling to find any Charles BROADFIELD Christened in the Bridgnorth area in the right time period.

In a different approach, are you aware of the book that records the 'Freemen of Bridgnorth' ?

It includes sixty BROADFIELD men that were made Freemen between 1676 and 1854.
Unfortunately there isn't a single Charles listed.
You are welcome to a copy of the list.


Last seen: 8 years 29 weeks ago
Joined: Monday, 2-11-2015

Thank you for your response. I did correct that date mistake! And, no, I am not aware of the book you mention. I would welcome seeing it. Is it something that you could email me?

Gwynne Chadwick
Last seen: 40 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: Sunday, 19-06-2011

Hi Julie,

I could email the list but initially I'll try posting it on this Forum.

It will then always be available for future researchers.

Males with the name BROADFIELD made Freemen of Bridgnorth between 1676 and 1854.



Last seen: 8 years 29 weeks ago
Joined: Monday, 2-11-2015

Hhhhmmm, this list increases my concern that my grandmother may have been incorrect in her life-long belief that the family originated in Bridgnorth as I would expect there to be a Charles listed. Would you happen to have any suggestions in where I head next in my search for an originating town? Thank you for your assitance!

Gwynne Chadwick
Last seen: 40 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: Sunday, 19-06-2011

Hi Julie,

Remember that the list I provided only shows the men that were Freemen of Bridgnorth. A small minority of the total population of the town.
You've not said what occupation your BROADFIELD men followed and therefore establish whether they may have been Freemen or not.

Bridgnorth would certainly seem to be the birthplace of most BROADFIELD's in the 15th and 16th century in Shropshire, but no Charles.
Would it be a viable suggestion that you try and verify the early American history and names.
