Genfind discs

3 replies [Last post]
Last seen: 2 years 1 week ago
Joined: Wednesday, 3-10-2012

Can anybody help me ?

I had a set of GEnfind discs Telford 1 & 2 and Wellington. The databases have totally dissappeared from my computer and I can't find the discs.

Last seen: 2 years 1 week ago
Joined: Wednesday, 3-10-2012

Can anybody help me ?

I had a set of Genfind discs Telford 1 & 2 and Wellington. The databases have totally disappeared from my computer and I can't find the discs.

SFHS WebMaster
Last seen: 3 years 30 weeks ago
Joined: Wednesday, 20-02-2013

It might be worth trying to contact Stuary Massey (admin[at] if it still exists, who created the original discs.

Gwynne Chadwick
Last seen: 42 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: Sunday, 19-06-2011


Others may know more than me about this but could it be you have recently upgraded to Windows 8.?
From my own experience, those disc's won't work on Windows 8.
From what I last heard, there were no plans to 'upgrade' the disc's.
