Photographs wanted of Soldiers of the King's Shropshire L.I.

4 replies [Last post]
Last seen: 1 year 23 weeks ago
Joined: Tuesday, 7-06-2011

Hello I am researching for a project soldiers of the King's Shropshire Light Infantry who where killed in action or died of wounds in the Great War

I have a good selection but there must be many more to come by I only require photographs of soldiers either born or living in Shropshire at the time of their deaths

any help with this will be very much appriciated


Last seen: 1 year 11 weeks ago
Joined: Tuesday, 6-08-2019

Hello Philip

I do not have any photos that I can offer you but was wondering if you had any of my Great Uncle William H Pemberton. He was 29 when he was killed in Flanders in 1916. He had joined the Shropshire Light Infantry then was transferd to the Machine Gun Corps. Any help you can offer is appreciated.


Kind regards

Ron Pemberton

Martin Ridgway
Last seen: 37 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: Saturday, 10-04-2021

Dear Philip,

This is my great uncle, Josiah Dean:

Born 29 Jan 1898 at 142 Trench Lane, Wrockwardine Wood, Shropshire, England

GRO Reference: 1898  M Quarter in WELLINGTON (SALOP) UNION  Volume 06A  Page 709
Died: 1917 - Casualty Clearing Station, Vleteren, Arrondissement Ieper, Belgium
Died of wounds incurred at the Battle of Langemarck on 19th or 20th Sep 1917
Buried: Dozinghem Military Cemetery
Two photographs:
Further information on my Ancestry family tree: Ridgway Family Tree - Family View -
Martin Ridgway
Last seen: 14 weeks 1 day ago
Joined: Friday, 2-06-2017

This is a picture of the KSLI Shropshire.  Must have had it off the internet.  I do believe my Husband's ste-Grandfather is on there.

Lucy Gilchrist
Last seen: 7 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: Tuesday, 23-05-2023


I have a few photographs of my Grandpa- George Robert Moseley- in group photos that you may find useful. He did come back from the war, but others I'm sure, did not. 


Can't find anything obvious to add photos to a comment so please feel free to reply and I'll do my best