William White- information request to SFHS

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David Morris
Last seen: 19 hours 7 min ago
Joined: Friday, 1-06-2018

My name is Garry Buchanan, I’m 83 and live in Canberra, Australia.  I am writing to your society to ask for some valuable assistance in seeking information of an ancestor who was born in Shropshire.

Annette, my wife of 53 years, is the great, great-granddaughter of William White who was believed to have been the first of five sons born to John White and Hannah Passey at Ludlow, Shropshire in 1793.  

William is thought to have been 16 years of age when the ‘long arm of the law’ caught him and subsequently charged him with selling a number of stolen sheep skins.

I believe he appeared at the Summer Assizes in Salop on 22 July 1809.  He was found guilty and sentenced to seven years imprisonment, which was revised to deportation.  Eighteen-year-old farm labourer William White, now became eighteen-year-old convict William White; he arrived at Port Jackson in the Colony of New South Wales, Australia on 29 September 1811.

I have written a short story of his life in Australia, however, there are a few historical facts of his early life in England I would dearly like to include in his story.  I’m hoping some of your members may be able to tell me about his parents, and his siblings, and confirm his date of birth.  The ‘icing on the cake’ would be details concerning his trial and incarceration.

When I finish writing his story, I would be pleased to forward a copy to your society if you think it would be a welcome addition to your archives.

Thank you for reading my request and I look forward to hearing from you.

Michael J Hulme
Last seen: 6 hours 42 min ago
Joined: Saturday, 4-06-2011

Hello David

Searching the Shropshire Baptisms on Find my Past (subscription) web site www.findmypast.co.uk it appears that your William was the second of seven children born to John & Hannah WHITE and baptised at Ludlow.

1.    Ann 1792
2.    William 1793
3.    John 1796
4.    Henry 1797
5.    Edwin 1799
6.    Samuel 1801
7.    Timothy 1804

I haven't checked to see if any of these children died in infancy.

I am guessing that you have already found the marriage of John WHITE and Hannah PASSEY at Bedstone, Shropshire on 4th Nov 1791.

If you don't have access to Find my Past at home then try your local library or archives who may have a subscription.
