Police Officer Records

2 replies [Last post]
Terry Lloyd
Last seen: 4 years 40 weeks ago
Joined: Wednesday, 15-06-2011

During my research into one individual killed in WW1, his pre-war occupation was Police Constable and am looking to trace his particular career in the force.  He was from the Old Park area so assume he was in the Shropshire Constabulary.  Does anyone know how I can do this?  Are there records available?  Thank you

Michael J Hulme
Last seen: 3 hours 36 min ago
Joined: Saturday, 4-06-2011

Hello Terry

When Douglas J. Elliott was researching his book 'Policing Shropshire 1836 - 1967' ( ISBN 0 947731 01 6 ) he compiled a card index of all the officers he found information about and this index is in Shropshire Archives so you need to take a trip to Shrewsbury.  See this page on the Shropshire Archives web site for more information.

You can't just browse through the index because some people in it are still alive but the staff will presumably produce the individual card for the person you are interested in.

Your individual may appear in the Shropshire Quarter Sessions index available on CD-ROM from the society.  If he is mentioned it should tell you a date and place and what the incident was.  The index is also available at Shropshire Archives.

Just returning to the book, please note that even though it has 260 pages, it does not include the names of constables.  The only names mentioned are the senior officers.


Terry Lloyd
Last seen: 4 years 40 weeks ago
Joined: Wednesday, 15-06-2011

Afternoon Mike,

Much obliged for the information and sorry for not responding sooner.

