Looking for BALMER and KNOWLES from Wellington

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Last seen: 8 years 28 weeks ago
Joined: Tuesday, 3-11-2015

I'm trying to find out if anyone knows anything about William KNOWLES who left Northern Ireland in the 1920s, married Mona BALMER from Wellington (daughter of William BALMER originally from Scotland and Alice KIRKLEY).  They had at least one child called Bernard. William was my great uncle, and the family lost touch during world war two.  I'm trying to see if new internet information could solve a decades old family mystery.  One theory is that they died in the Manchester blitz, but I haven't been able to find anything that suggests that. Thank you.

Last seen: 8 years 28 weeks ago
Joined: Tuesday, 3-11-2015

They may have had three sons called Bernard, John and David.