Ludlow Cemetery 1913

3 replies [Last post]
Barbara Handley
Last seen: 1 year 19 weeks ago
Joined: Sunday, 4-03-2012

I have just found out my great grandparents John and Emma Handley were buried in Ludlow cemetery in 1913 and 1917 respectively. Which cemetery would this have been?  Are there any records of burials there or images etc?

Michael J Hulme
Last seen: 1 hour 52 min ago
Joined: Saturday, 4-06-2011

Hello Barbara

I think you will find your relatives are buried in St Leonard's Graveyard, Corve Street, Ludlow.

A transcript was compiled between 1988 and 1992 and a copy deposited with Ludlow Library. The Shropshire FHS do not have a copy.  If you contact Ludlow Library by email with the names and dates you have then hopefully they will look up the details for you.

If you want to visit the grave then this link to Google Maps will take you to the correct part of the cemetery. The grave should be one row in from the wall on the left of the image and about half way along the wall. You might find it helpful to zoom out until you can see the whole of the cemetery and Corve Street running along the eastern side. You should then be able to work out where you need to go. There is a printing business in the old cemetery chapel and that is near the main entrance from Corve Street.



Barbara Handley
Last seen: 1 year 19 weeks ago
Joined: Sunday, 4-03-2012

Thank you so much Mike for that really useful information.


Barbara Handley
Last seen: 1 year 19 weeks ago
Joined: Sunday, 4-03-2012

I am going to Ludlow on a coach trip on 18th July. We are only staying there for a couple of hours so I want to try and make good use of my time. I am not familiar with Ludlow but think we are going to the market. I really want to see the cemetery at St Leonards. My great grandparents lived and died in Old Mill Street so if that is nearby I want to go there. On my mother's side her grandmother is believed to have grown up in the Hen and Chickens. I also would like to see where my great grandparents lived and died, which was 10 Lower Mill Street. They were buried in plot 292 but I gather from looking online the churchyard is in a poor state.

Is there a street map or similar that is recommended for me to download to help me in my quest? I have mobility problems so will not be able to rush around.