Rev. Herbert G. WAKEFIELD

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Tom Hughes
Last seen: 4 years 51 weeks ago
Joined: Monday, 23-05-2016

Please see my new blog for a brief discussion of the Rev. H.G. WAKEFIELD who fled Shrewsbury under rather scandalous imputations in 1888.
My interest is in Victorian Clerical Scandals and my database from Shropshire - other than WAKEFIELD, includes: SPEDDING, ROCKE, WELCH, GIBSON, KEVILL-DAVIES, KEMPTHORNE, ANDREWS, JONES (Edgton), and GOWAN.
Willing to learn more. Thank you.

Peter John
Last seen: 26 weeks 1 day ago
Joined: Saturday, 2-07-2011

Have you previously encountered a Shropshire cleric by the name of the Reverend William Francis LIGHTFOOT-HARRISON?

I do not know how "scandalous" his (post-Victorian?) story is but the threads at this link might give you a lead as to how interesting his story may be.


Tom Hughes
Last seen: 4 years 51 weeks ago
Joined: Monday, 23-05-2016

Peter, sorry to be awfully tardy but LIGHTFOOT-HARRISON is out of my time frame - the Victorian years - and, as such, I have nothing about him. Good luck.